Yesterday we were invited to join Simon & Susan in 'Célestine', their fab classic Citreon for the bi-annual heritage traffic jam (bouchon) at le Blanc. The event emulates the traffic disruption that used to occur in major towns before the introduction of auto-routes. As you can see we chose to dress up from the day (helped by contributions for Cally & Jane)
We met up with the other vintage car owners (and hippies) at the 'salle polyvalente' car park in the town...
before heading off in two groups through the regional park of La Brenne.
We stopped at the lake at La Gabriere for a bit of sustenance.
Where everyone was on their best behaviour.
Then it was back to the 'salle polyvalente' in Le Blanc for a spot of lunch with our hosts and over 500 others.
Simon had parked 'Célestine' in good company so we took the opportunity to have a look at the other cars on display.
Then it was on to the main event...blocking the traffic in the town! This is acheived by continually circuiting the town until the traffic snarls up, helped by the occasional overheated engine
It was good to see so many locals had turned out to witness the mayhem.
Great fun, with Simon revelling in the free spirit of the day, as can be seen in this pic of Susan's

They are great occasions which we miss taking part in...