Sunday 29 March 2020

Looking forward to normal service being resumed but could be a long way off.

We are currently trying to shop locally but as we are now entering our second 2 week 'lockdown' here in France I made the trip over to Intermarche in Yzeures-sur-Creuse to stock up with items we can't get at the village shop and to try and minimise the number of times one or other of us has to leave the house. It was quite surreal with only one other car on the road.I was stopped by the gendarmerie en-route and had my paperwork checked out. I chose to go at 12.30 thinking most of our French neighbours would be enjoying their lunches and it was a good decision as the store was very quiet with perhaps around 12 customers all of whom kept their distance but it was as quick as I could get around and back out as it felt very uncomfortable.Felt for the cashiers as they sat behind their perspex shields wearing their PPE - probably better placed than some UK nurses though! Took the shot above as I was leaving the the retail park.


  1. So spooky, isn't it? I was there a few days ago.

  2. This has been life here in Jordan for the past 10 days :( It was a relief to have small shops reopen after 4 days of complete curfew. A trip to the local grocer is now the highlight of the day

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