Tuesday 11 October 2022

Thinking ahead...

After preparing the salon here at 'the project' for our latest dinner guests on Saturday night it got us wondering ,yet again, about where our future lies. We love the house here but the attractions of Le Grand-Pressigny still has a draw on us. We still have time to ponder this of course as we have still a fair bit of work to do here.
We enjoyed this aptly named white on the night which was brought as a contribution by one of our guests.



  1. You have created such an inviting environment in your home. I'm sure that if you felt that you needed to sell eventually, it would easily sell. Xx

  2. I love the sitooterie too. As for the Centre d’ Apéro Therapie I’m in need of it most evenings. You have both made a wonderful job of a house that was uninhabitable and is now a welcoming home.
