Monday, 29 April 2024

How the mind works...and a bit of wordplay!


When we arrived at a stall of one of our well travelled friends from Barrou the letters above spelled out OPERA, I suggested they could be used for aperos,not being as quick as Pauline, who pointed out that they could in fact be rearranged.

Le Grand-Pressigny's vide-grenier...and it didn't rain!

Enjoyed our walk around yesterday's vide-grenier, always a good opportunity to catch up with friends and neighbours old and new.

Love a bit of recycling!

Sunday, 28 April 2024

A will we / won't we moment...

Last night was to be the reopening of la Taverne here in La Guerche with an outdoor concert featuring 'Locos Locaux' but due to the horrendous weather conditions it was moved indoors to the salle des fêtes. We sat wondering whether or not to brave the conditions but as heavy rain beat against our windows, we decided against it. Then the rain stopped and it suddenly got a bit brighter so we decided to ho after all, glad we did it was fun.
It was actually quite mild as we made our way back home with Pauline thinking she needn't have worn her 'Scottish coat' after all!

Sunday, 21 April 2024

Colour in the courtyard...


Good to see some colour coming to our little courtyard at last now all we need is a return to higher temperatures. I had been looking for somewhere to hang our 'four season' mirrors that we have had since we bought our first flat almost 50 years ago, they have now found a home on the door of the outhouse.

Another addition is 'George' our former hoover who has been with us for over 25 years, he had come to the end of his useful life and I could not bring myself to commit him to the dump so we have given him a spot in the courtyard as a reward for his  service.

Monday, 15 April 2024

That was the week that was...


Our unexpected trip to Scotland last week to look after Ada due to Michael's bad arm break,repaired by two pins and a plate, turned out to be a real joy. Eileen put us up to give them some respite so we had to come up with some ideas to keep Ada entertained, she did a lot of this...
and a lot of this.

Sadly the bad weather we experienced meant that there were no long walks or visits to the park but Pauline and Fileen did manage an outing with her to the cinema to catch 'Kung-Fu Panda 4'

Which inspired this...

This was the longest period of time she had been away from her mum and dad,so a bit of a milestone but it proved simply to be a pleasure for us and hopefully her!

Wednesday, 10 April 2024

Dreich days...


This is the view from Eileen's doors to the garden and it has been the same pretty much since we rrived! So no long walks or visits io the park for Ada. She did get out today with her gran and gr'aunty to see 'Kungfu Panda 4' at he recently reopened cinima in town, I gave it a miss!