Saturday 22 June 2024

Je suis ingénieur...


This is the actual bus we travelled on to get to the Commonwealth Pool for the start of our 'Three loch trail' in Edinburgh on Monday. The unscheduled repair stop I mentioned was due to a back panel of the bus flapping loose. The driver had been alerted by another driver who pulled up alongside us in the Grassmarket to let him know. Our driver went out and had a look before returning and asking if any of the passengers had an 'allen key' and seemed exasperated when no one had!!! Many of the passengers decided the delay wasn't for them and left the bus. I told him I was an engineer and would have a look at the problem for him. On inspection I found that it was actually a square socket he needed. I tried in vain to turn it with a key I was carrying but to no avail. We decided to ask a nearby pub if he had some tools we could borrow, He provided a comprehensive toolkit but without the right one for the job but I was able to use a pair of long nose pliers to solve the problem. He thanked me and said I was 'a Legend' but no, just an engineer!  

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