Saturday 27 July 2024

Last day in Nantes, part I...

On Thursday morning we headed down to the second river of Nantes the river l'Endre starting at the Monument aux 50-Otages (more on this later) before heading over to the Musée d’arts de Nantes.

We passed the interesting home of the Departmental Council of Loire-Atlantique on the way.

We also took a slight detour through one of the former gates of the city to have a walk around the catherdal Saint-Pierre-et-Saint-Paul de Nantes.

The cathedral is currently having major restoration work carried out so you can in fact only look at the exterior.

Then it was into the museum itself an impressive building with excellent content.

These paintings (above) marked as 'anonymous' reminded me of Loches'  Caravaggio's.

The museum is also currently playing host to an interesting exhibition of 'video art'  by 'Nantes artist Pierrick Sorin until September 1st. 

You can actually have a chat with the artist via a tube coming out of the wall where, once he establishes what language you speak, he asks you to move out of the way so as he can see the painting behind you..très amusant!

After our visit we headed back into the city centre to the 'Passage Pommeraye' where we had a lovely light lunch in the salon de thé 'La Passagère' and at only 13.5 euros for three courses!

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