Saturday 10 August 2024

Fun & frolics at the chateau...


Great fun last night at the chateau here in La Guerche with 'Théâtre du Perron' putting on a performance of 'Ubu roi' by Alfred Jarry.  

Imagine, if you can, Shakespeare's scheming wife from 'Macbeth' meets the ghost and revolt from Hamlet, the bear from 'The Winter's Tale', throw in an enemy eating machine and there you have it!

Awaiting their fate in the man eating machine...and they all disappeared inside with a clever piece of directing!

The evening was enhance by the talent of the musicale ensemble some of  whom, with some quick costume changes. also got involved with the acting.
Bravo  'Théâtre du Perron'...take a bow!
You can catch the last performance tonight.

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