For yesterday's brocantes we headed over to Chaumussay and Cussay but with temperatures in the mid 30's it was difficult to concentrate.

There was some shade at Chaumussay but there wasn't much that caught the eye, although this coffee/tea set did, simply because of the presentation.

There was not a lot of shade at Cussay and although there were a lot of treasure hunters they were either hiding in the shade of the refreshment tents or queing for food.

It was the place to be if you were looking for soft toys or bicycles but it was too much for us and unusually we didn't make it around all the stalls. The only thing we bought was a lovely freshly made loaf directly from the village bread oven.

It is usually blisteringly hot for these brocantes as I recall. We have got bargains in the past but the heat makes it hard work. The stall holders must be exhausted by the end of the day.