I had to do the 'big shop' yesterday which meant going over to Intermarche in Yzeures-sur-Creuse. Thanks to advice from a friend we had done our shopping on-line so I was just going to pick up, which made for a slightly less stressful experience. There was one little hiccup however, you had to pay by cheque or cash which I thought they were discouraging - a bit confused, I had to go along to the bank and lift cash before returning to the store and a very helpful store lady. As suspected we did not get all we asked for and there was a little confusion over one item but was so much better than trailing around the store. What made the experience even better was the fact that Bricomarche was open...joy of joys! Managed to pick up some items to allow for the progress of more little projects!
Later we took our 'freedom walk' around the village and as we passed one of our neighbour's garden we caught the scent of this beautiful rose bush. I had to go back and take a pic...can you smell it?
Ah now I hear you asking how did they get in the vase? When I returned to take the photo my neighbour was in the garden so I asked if it was ok to do so. Not only did she say yes but insisted that I should cut a bunch for Pauline and promptly produced a set of secateurs to allow me to do it - how kind !

We had spent the afternoon tidying the courtyard of the cottage so ended the day having aperos and dinner alfresco
So all in all a better day - oh and by the way did I say Brico had re-opened? 😁
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