Wednesday 10 June 2020

Things you can do together...

Pauline and I have on occasion been referred to as 'joined at the hip' which is understandable as we are rarely apart! When we moved here we knew it was going to be a case of 24/7 together but as we quite like each other we didn't see that as a problem although it hasn't all been 'sweetness and light' during the 12 years we have been here we reckon we have coped pretty well. Talking of wells, the included pic. is of my recently completed (other than painting) well project at the 'Old Walnut Mill'. I have no pic. for what Pauline and I did together yesterday together - we emptied the 'fosse' at La Guerche. It went reasonably smoothly (?) and the fact that it had lain undisturbed for over 10 years meant it was not too horrendous and we now have somewhere to dump our rubble!


  1. After 10 years it would be reasonably smooth Jim...

  2. I’m sure you’ve had no trouble in self isolation with your lovely wife Pauline. Bobby has been working from home and is in his “office” morning noon and night( the tax season was lengthened to June 15, formerly May 15).
    We see each other for lunch & dinner. Our goal is to stay safe from Covid and we’ve managed so far. Love your new build. Charming. Stay healthy and safe! Big virtual hugs to you both! debbi
