Saturday 12 December 2020

Sad to see...

There are many things that the current pandemic has affected with many lives lost and businesses suffering and when we come out the other end there will have been a huge cost both materially and emotionally. One effect,which in the grand scheme of things is insignificant but is personal to us, is that the garden at Le Bourg, which Pauline and I put a lot of work into, has been reclaimed by nature.   

The new owner has not been able to get over to the house since she bought it last October. We had offered to look after it for her but she said she had people of her own to do it and declined our offer.

We took a walk along the riverbank the other day to check what condition it was in and now rather regret it!

1 comment:

  1. Lois (owner of Le Bourg)15 December 2020 at 13:47

    Hi Jim, thank you for your concern for the garden. Due to the lockdowns come that come with Covid-19, we haven't been able to travel to Barrou. We are sad that we have not been able to return to work on the beautiful garden, and to work on our renovation ideas. But our greatest concern and thought at the moment are with the number of innocent lives lost to Covid-19 all around the world. We are definitely not coming out the other end of the pandemic yet, and we should closely follow the government guidelines of staying at our own premises as much as possible. We hope things can improve soon and we can return to Barrou. Hope everyone stays safe and take care. :)
