Saturday 6 August 2022

Farcical frolics at the Chateau...

Had fun last night over at the chateau here in La Guerche where we were entertained by an excellent cast (including family members) performing  'Les Plaideurs' a comedy (apparently his only one)  by Jean Racine. The story revolves around a mad judge who just needs to be in court and gets up to all sorts of mischief trying to do so! Plus a romance and promises of marriage. Not sure where we Scots came into it as much of it went over our heads!

We even had him up in the attic

He did get his day in court in the trial of a (cute) dog who had stolen a capon!

The chateau is a fabulous backdrop for these events.


  1. Emmanuel de Crouy-Chanel8 August 2022 at 12:07

    In fact, there was two plays. The first one was about the visit of the king Charles VII at La Guerche in 1451 (hence the Scottish guards) and a misunderstanding about "having seen the wolf" (a french saying for a girl meeting a man for the fisrt time). The girlfriend of the king's fauconneer had "seen the wolf" and the Scots (and all the king's court) thought she had been devoured.

  2. Merci, Emmanuel
