Tuesday 30 January 2024

Monday's walk around Ligueil.

For yesterday's walk David took us over to Ligueil and a walk with a more urban feel to it.  

What he did reveal was a stunning large garden of a private house on Rue de Reunière - who knew? - well David of course!

We also went out to checkout the small 'Chapelle Notre Dame des Anges' on the edge of the town. 

The chapel which had previously been demolished and rebuilt   opens each year on August 15 when a ceremony is celebrated there with pilgrimage and procession. (Source)
We also came across  more history in a contractor's yard in the town.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry we missed it. I am rather "under the weather" but it did give us the chance to dash to the Orange shop and get our order in for fibre moments after the text saying it was available arrived!
