Yesterday Pauline and I took the bus from Le Grand-Pressigny up to Tours (at 2.40 euro each way, why wouldn't you?) where we had a busy afternoon...

visiting the small market on Boulevard Herteloup...
did a lot of walking...

followed by more walking...

and *church visiting

and even more walking, this time over the river Loire...

so much walking that Pauline was reduced to a shadow!
As we were walking towards the church of Saint Julien I said to Pauline "I wonder if I'll ever get to see inside there" as the last few times we have come up to Tours it has been on a Tuesday which means, as the church is a national monument, it is closed. On other visits we have also found it closed. No sooner had I said it than I noticed workmen bringing gear out of the church...a polite request and I was in there...more to follow!
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