Friday, 7 February 2025

On our way home...

On our way home on the 56th day of our winter road-trip adventure. Using Burgos in northern Spain as a stopping off point between Madrid and Biarritz. Quite a shock to the system when we hit a snow blizzard en route. Up until now (apart from our stay in Scotland) we have only had some short lived rain in Granada (1 hour) and a morning in Almeria which stopped before we left the apartment, so as I said snow was a shock, although we are travelling north! When we reached the city itself it had stopped but as we began to explore the rain started and it was so cold Pauline had to revert to her 'Scottish' coat.

It is only an overnighter here then the same in Biarritz and then Bergerac before we are back in La Guerche 10th.

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