Sunday, 15 January 2012

A walk around...Le Grand Pressigny

The last few weeks here in Le Grand Pressigny in Southern Touraine have been strange weather-wise with, it seemed, the days changing from glorious to dreary overnight. This has affected Pauline's and my new walking regime (minimum 1 hour per day) though not to a great extent, as even on some of the inclement days we still managed it.We try and vary our route but this obviously gets more difficult the more often we do it plus the weather can restrict our countryside walks. of the things that pleases us is that even walking a well-worn path the surroundings take on a different look during weather and seasonal changes.

On one walk 'surrounding the chateau' I managed to find a view of it, the one above, that, despite the hundreds of shots I've taken of it over the years, was new to me! It was taken from a new area that has been set out as house plots for sale on the way up Route des Roches to the troglodytes and shows the ramparts to great effect.

Here is the walk in pictures, starting with the steep climb up Ru du Chateau:


  1. Super idea for a post. I've enjoyed taking the walk with you.

  2. I agree wholeheartedly with Gaynor... any more?

  3. This is one of our favourite walks....seeing that blue sky is torture....wish we were still there !!

  4. Thanks for comments folks- there is a walk around LGP on our site
