The parish church of Alloway just outside Ayr has been somewhat overshadowed by its neighbour across the street, 'The Auld Kirk', as it is famously mentioned in the Robert Burn's poem 'Tam O'Shanter'.It is also where his father William is buried.
The Auld Kirk ruins date from the early 16th century but there is also evidence of an earlier 13th century building. The kirk stopped being used in 1690 when the parish was absorbed by the town of Ayr. After this, although it continued to be used as a place of worship and for a short time, a school, it fell into disrepair.
The people of Alloway had to wait until 1858 to again have a church of their own, with a building fund raised by local subscriptions. The entrance to the church is via a side porch which has an interesting floor...
...letting you know which country you are in.
It also has a couple of small modern stained glass windows
There are also a couple of carved faces, one smiling and one frowning which we have come across in France but as yet haven't found an explanation for.
Sadly we couldn't view the inside as due to the times we live in it is locked up and secured when not in use for services.

We did find this view of the inside...
...shame we couldn't get to see it ourselves.
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