It's from his poem 'Tam o' Shanter' (more of this later) how true it is, it does not matter your position in life or your wealth there is no way you can halt the march of time.
As we visit old haunts here in Ayr this becomes abundantly clear...
This building on Ayr's shore-front used to be 'The Pavilion' dance hall and it's where Pauline and I met on the 16th December 1972!! where have the years gone? As we reflect back we have packed a fair bit into them, being lucky enough to have had opportunities that others don't get. There are of course things we could have done better, roads we should or should not have gone down but even though looking back it seems to have flown by we know there is still a lot we can do and experience if we have the correct attitude to what is, after all, our 'one shot'.

This is the telephone box where I proposed to Pauline (after 8 months) in a pathetic " If we could get the money together and everything was ok what would you say if I asked you to marry me?" Why were we in a phonebox? was a privacy thing. By the way, it is located by the gents toilets...big romantic or what!!!
Footnote: We didn't spend the 8 months on the shore-front or the phonebox!!
I have only been to Ayr once for a job interview at the 'Hopital' but didn't get it... It would have been circa 1978... Don't remember much about it.