I had just tried the doors of Saint Romain in Trogues and found yet another locked church. Disappointed I returned to the car to drive away. Just before I did, a car drew up and a man got out and opened the door.
He was here to repair one of the locks and was happy to let me in as he fiddled with whatever he was doing.So just like in
Descartes a few weeks ago I had arrived at an opportune moment.
The church is faorly modern by Touraine standards, it was built,in a neo-Gothic style, as recently as 1880 to replace the old 15th century church that once stood here.It is made up of a nave with two bays. The three stained glass windows in the choir behind the altar are again by the Lobin 'factory' of Tours.
The windows along the nave are of a more recent, I'm sure, with a simple design. Perhaps replacing much older windows. When I view modern examples of stained glassed windows that have replaced original work I sometimes wonder if their style relects a lost art / skill or it's more to do with economics.
The church has a rather unusual round window within the bell tower.
Where's Joan?
No Joan...unless this is a representation of her before she was 'called up'
Apparently the new Church is oriented North-South while the former was
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