The church of Saint-Sulpice was built in the 12th century, replacing an older church (dedicated to Sainte-Menehould). Work on the church continued off and on until
the 16th century.
It is built in the typical Latin Cross design and bulging with artifacts and detail.
The main central altar detail...
the stained glass windows of the apse...old and new.
The left side chapel...
with is statues.
The more modern right-hand chapel.
Wall frescos and statues from the middle ages in an 'naive' style are all around you as you explore the interior.
The choir has two large wooden panels that were donated by the then occupiers of the chateau, Charles de Tranchelion and his wife Françoise de Silly in the early
sixteenth century, were restored some years ago by the Museum
of Decorative Arts in Paris , where they had been stored..
The fifteenth century stalls have grotesque wood

Where's Joan?

Would have loved this to have been her but think may be someone else as saintly.

The bays of the nave are covered with ribbed vaults

The bell tower may well be the oldest part of this very interesting church.

Where's Joan?
Would have loved this to have been her but think may be someone else as saintly.
The bays of the nave are covered with ribbed vaults
The bell tower may well be the oldest part of this very interesting church.