As 2018 comes to an end I feel I want to say to the people
who voted to leave the EU that their decision based on their beliefs has caused
us 2 ½ years of stress and uncertainty with
perhaps us ultimately having to apply to stay in the country we have adopted as
our home for the last 10 (good) years. We are aware that EU citizens in the UK are
probably in a worse situation and that there will be many more people here in
France who will be struggling with this situation more than us and our heart
goes out to them. We are and will remain to be European.
We hope you get back the control you are seeking and you are
not actually giving it to the most right-wing UK government we have lived
under. We hope you get the sovereignty back that you think (?) you have lost.
We hope that by giving away your (and your children’s) freedom of movement that
the control of our borders that we already had is somehow manifested in a way
that justifies your sacrifice. We do not wish ill of you but want you to be
aware of consequences…that’s all!