Tuesday 11 September 2018

Dead-end streets...

When we attended the 'Foire de Septembre' at Yzeures-sur-Creuse on Sunday we were subject to diversions due to the cycle race using much of the main thoroughfares - the centre of town was 'controlled' by this very amiable larger than life gent.

It was,certainly in my case, difficult to avoid the actual parts of the road being used for the race. With the streets lined (slight over statement here) with people I just politely waved as if we were part of the entourage! When we had our fill of the festivities and tried to leave the village I thought I'd try and cut over the town using the cemetery road but as I should have guessed it was a dead end.

Even out into the countryside, with barriers across roads we still managed to find the route and at one stage we were trailing behind the straggler and his motorcyclist companion - at you can imagine not a very fast pace. Another attempt at exiting the route was squeezing past a man on a quad guarding a fenced off road only to find...guess what it was a dead-end, don't know why he thought we would want to go there!

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