May got off to a good start when we welcomed returning guests from Jackson Hole in Wyoming USA to the Old Walnut Mill.They had previously stayed in Le Bourg back in 2107 but as its for sale and they wanted to return to Barrou they chose to stay in our cottage which they remembered from their last visit. Miki the owner of 'Le Bourg', was over for her last stay at the house before her sale went through and she invited us,our guests and some French neighbours/friends to dine with her.

On Sunday the 12th Le Grand-Pressigny held their fete day 'La Nature des tous ses etats' and after all the hard work put into organising it thankfully,they had a lovely day for it.

Australian guests at the Old Walnut Mill were leaving on the last Saturday of the month so would miss the Rose Festival at Chedigny so they took our advice and had a sneak preview after visiting Loches market.

On the 26th we headed over to the 'Pré de la Forge' to view our friends Tim & Pauline's contribution to the 'Fete de la Nature'. We had a pleasant stroll through their meadow where Tim has cut pathways through the natural habitat.

May also saw us getting back into walking with with the randonnee club.

Finished the month off with Dominique and me performing as 'Old Hat' at 'Chez L' in Le Grand-Pressigny...good fun!

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