Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Sunday stroll...and a thousand crepes

Sunday was a big day for the Le Grand Pressigny randonnée club...over 200 walkers joined us for the 'Randonnée des crêpes'. It was a good walk up by the chateau before heading out for a circular route around the village.

The weather could have been kinder but didn't really detract from a good walk.

A welcome break.

On the home straight...

as Etableau beckons.

Views from the bridge at Etableau.

The village in sight...

and it was back to the Salle-des-Fetes for cider and crepes...there were plenty to go round as club members, including Pauline, has made over 1000!!!. they were well received by the visitors and later, after a military style clear up,by the club members as well...good day.

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Another bon voisin...

Popped in to check on Friend Karen's cats...her neighbour Guy is taking great care of them while she is away. I    know she will be missing them.

Sunday, 19 February 2017

My brief tenure as President...

Yesterday was our annual 'Fete de la Saint Blaise' and I had the honour of being its President for the day. It starts off with a church service followed by a march behind the brass band around the village square to the schoolyard for the 'Vin d'honneur' before settling in for the main event.

As ever the 'traiteur' did a great job of setting up and providing us with an excellent repas and our 'Comite des Fetes' contribution was, as ever, excellent.

One of the good things about the day is how our 'master of ceremonies' Dominique keeps it going...he does a great job of encouraging the local singers to do their bit and generally keeps things moving along rather nicely.

This year he also had a table of our English friends, who came out to support us to 'banter' with and his good humor was, I think, appreciated.

Cally's contributions were well received and even Mike's risky 'Swing low sweet chariot' (with animations) went down well!. I think I managed to carry off my presidency without having offended anyone or having to resort to fake news, so that was something. I even managed to give my speech in French,short as it was!

PS We managed a brief stint at the 'bal' (after a nap) in the evening.

Saturday, 18 February 2017

La Guerche taking shape and warming up...

After a rather cold snap when temperature got to -3 deg inside the house, it is getting a little easier to work on our project in La Guerche as the temperature is on the rise both inside and out.

Things are beginning to take shape,literally!