This Sunday we are taking you to the delightful little church of Saint Eulalie in the village of Genillé in Indre-et-Loire. As you enter the church the first thing that strikes you is the ornate vaulted ceiling and beams.
The church is again a common mix of styles as it has evolved and been restored throughout the centuries from as early as the 11th century. The apse dates from around the 15th century and has three rather fetching stained glass windows.
The centre window depicts the martyrdom of Saint Eulalie (?) to whom the church is dedicated, the one on the left shows the four evangelists Mathew,Mark,Luke and John. The one on the right shows the four great prophets Isaiah,Jeremiah,Ezakiel and Daniel. All made by the prolific Lobin workshops.
There is a pretty17th century 'Rosery Chapel' that was added to the church by the then landlord or fief holder of the village as a private place of worship and buriel place.
As you look back to the main door of the church the rostrum you see is one from the 19th century replacing the original damaged one.
There is a rather fine 15th century baptismal font which was apparantly cut from a single piece of red marble under the rostrum.
Where's Joan...
There is a charming little access turret attached to the main tower.
You can see evidence of earlier damage by the absence of statues from their positions around the apse exterior..
There is also evidence of more deliberate change.
There is a little door to the side with the Latin inscription 'Dilexi decorem domus tuae' ( I have enjoyed the beauty of your house) - couldn't have put it better myself!.
If you are passing through or nearby Genillé you should pay it a visit.
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What a pretty little building!