Friday, 30 November 2018

The Autumn leaves...

Love autumn and its colours - hate having to collect fallen leaves!

Love this...

Thursday, 29 November 2018

Someone looking at you...

From the balcony in Le Grand-Pressigny I had the feeling someone was looking at me...

and they were!

Wednesday, 28 November 2018

Loches on Wednesdays great for holiday makers

Loches on a Wednesday always a popular visit with guests at our holiday cottage conveniently located in Barrou
and colourful even in November

Tuesday, 27 November 2018

Still Busy Lizzies

It's November and the Impatiens are hanging on in there in the garden at Les Balcons.

Monday, 26 November 2018

Snap happy...

Bridge over the river Claise at Chaumussay

When out walking with the randonnee club I love the opportunity it gives me to capture new and revisited places. 

Looking down on the village of Chaumussay
Looking up at the ruins of the chateau at Etableau

Sunday, 25 November 2018

Out of the woods...

Here is a view of the chateau at Le Grand-Pressigny appearing to rise up through the forest - taken from the D60 - we only get this view at the end of the year when the trees are bare.

chateau at Le Grand Pressigny

Having said that, the surroundings can trick you into believing it is sat in woodland as this summer pic shows when in fact it pretty much sits in open ground. 

The second pic. is however, probably more representative of how it looked early in its history

Saturday, 24 November 2018

Back together for Christmas

 This from 2016
Had the first rehearsal with our Christmas choir on Tuesday - twas as if we had never been away - good fun! Good to see that we are getting some additional male voices joining us - the more the merrier. 

Friday, 23 November 2018

A walk around Chaumussay

Yesterday's walk with the Le Grand-Pressigny Randonnee club took us over to Chaumussay.

We started from the village where we passed the church with one of my favourite 'Joans'

We went along the old railway line for a ways before heading up into the countryside...
then down

Then up...

then down.

On the last part of the walk we could catch Preuilly-sur-Claise in the distance.

This property enjoys such a view.

Also on our last stretch,Simon pointed out this rusting old Citroen avant in the woods
After 10km I was quite happy to see Chaumussay appearing in the distance.

Thursday, 22 November 2018

To be sure...

I know it's not the case but it amuses me (sad I know!) to think there is an Irishman operating bus services around Descartes

Wednesday, 21 November 2018

Descartes in November

Colourful umbrellas on sale at Descartes market in November
Visited Descartes market on Sunday on a crisp November day plus took a walk down to the river and through the public gardens - lovely. 
Looking west from the bridge over the river Creuse at Descartes in November
Autumn colours in Descartes public gardens in November
This is a popular first morning outing for guests on arrival at our holiday cottage in Barrou.
Roses still blooming in rose garden in Descartes public gardens in November

Monday, 19 November 2018

Just Joan...

For my 'Church on Sunday' on my regional blog this week I featured the church of Saint-Martin in Chambourg-sur-Indre. When I visited the church back in October I wad amused to find our Joan wearing a French football scarf. As I said in my web-page for the church, perhaps a legacy of another recent successful campaign!

Sunday, 18 November 2018

Autumnal scene

Autumnal scene featuring the water tower outside Le Grand-Pressigny lording over the river Claise.

Saturday, 17 November 2018

Friends,music and Beaujolais - a healthy mixture

An enjoyable evening last night at 'Chez L' in Le Grand-Pressigny good food, music, courtesy of 'I Don't Know' and friends.

That's Dominique on the right adding some maracas  

Friday, 16 November 2018

November from strawberries to sunflowers!

Took these pics yesterday of sunflowers in a field just outside Chambon, almost 7 years to the day I did a similar post of a field near Ciran.

Thursday, 15 November 2018

Strawberries in November !

We had 18 degrees yesterday in the garden at the 'Old Walnut Mill' and it is still trying to produce strawberries - confused or what!

Wednesday, 14 November 2018

Oh deer - Megaceros not so mega!

On a walk around Le Grand-Pressigny on Saturday we went through the chateau where we were a little surprised to find the Megaceros was missing its impressive headgear. Not sure why -winterising perhaps?

Tuesday, 13 November 2018

The late show

After a rather wet day yesterday ended with a late show at sunset just outside Barrou !

Monday, 12 November 2018

Armistice centenary - Le Grand-Pressigny shows its respect

It was good to see the people of Le Grand-Pressigny coming out yesterday to mark the WWI armistice centenary.
Images courtesy of  Tim Ford