We were only allowed to view the chateau from the outside apparently the inside has been modified as a domestic residence and no longer has any historical merit - it would have been good if we could have judged for ourselves.
It used to have a dry moat, which has been filled in, plus other defensive features including a perimeter wall with four turrets, two of which are now long gone, along with the wall. What we see today is the result of the need to make what was a medieval fortress into a building that can be used for modern living.
So to the end of 'Patrimoine Day' where we had good company, a blast of culture and history plus lunch in a cave - the almost perfect day?
Another couple who were out and about on Patrimoine day - check out:
Lucky you. It's a real priviledge to see these otherwise private and hidden places. Maybe next year we can arrange to be chez nous when the patrimone weekend is on.