Thursday, 20 October 2011

In-tent(s) excitement!

Well, myself, Pauline and our friend Karen joined the audience for Boltini's circus extravaganza  and we are glad we did. The troupe of 10 performers worked very hard to entertain us with a series of animal training (no zebra or lion by the way) juggling , balancing and some humour much appreciated by the kids. Our lack of French saw us buying ring-side seats, the only people who did, as we thought the options were standing or seated (chaises adultes). We hope our French neighbours did not think we were being 'standoffish' just ignorant!

 The Barrou audience.

 Apprentice clowns.

 On balance, fine performances.

I worked out that they probably took in about 300 euros which did not seem like a great deal of money for their efforts, work or their expenses - how do they survive? It would have been good to see more of the village families there - perhaps the commune should offer this as an annual treat benefitting both the village and circus families.

Here is a little sample of of what we were treated to.
Now contain your excitement!


  1. Great! I have not been to a circus since I was nowt but a lad. We have seen several different circus or is it circus's! over the summer so they must make enough to keep going between them.

  2. Circuses apparently. Like you, we had seen them about over the summer and thought we should check one out - great for the kids!
