Monday, 13 October 2014

It rained again...

Despite the forecast we went along to the 'Art & Lard' festival in Le Petit-Pressigny yesterday.

 It was a case of umbrellas at the ready as we worked our way along the exhibitors.

I have to repeat what I have said on previous years...they need to change the date of the event! Even just back to September when they may have a better chance of avoiding such inclement weather. The idea of the day is very good but having a fair weather day would add so much to the event.

 We were actually quite lucky as the rain held of for most of our visit and when we had to retreat undercover we had the welcoming delights of the English tearoom to entice us in. The other opportunity for some refuge was in the church and a good time would have been when the brass quintet were playing but the programme only narrowed the time of this to the 'afternoon' so could have had a long wait!

On the way back I decided to check out the 'exhibition' that was advertised on the Loches/Touraine Sud  website at the nearby Château de Ré only to find locked doors.

 For those who decided to leave strolling around the exhibits until later in the day they were blessed with an unforcasted pleasant afternoon.   


  1. Yes Jim we can confirm it turned out very well... AND we carried that dam umbrella round all afternoon!!!

  2. We missed it yet again. I can report that in our little bit of the UK the sun was shining and Sunday was a very nice day, which is more than can be said for Monday, and the forecast for today!

    Next year we have blocked out the weekend in our calendar - unless they follow your advice and change the date...
